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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Year End Review

Well the end of 2010 is upon us and as I look back, it seems we accomplished many things this year. Some of them were even related to emergency services. Here is a brief overview of some of this years trials, tribulations and accomplishments:

  1. One of the biggest news items for Sooke Fire Rescue this year was moving to seven day a week coverage by career staff. We now have (most days) a minimum of two career members on duty seven days a week from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. This is a huge increase over previous years on the old M-F 8:30 to 4:30 schedule. This was due mostly to the hiring of two additional firefighters(one a new position and the second to replace the vacant position that was put off for a year)
  2. On an equally positive note, twenty new volunteers came on strength. This is the largest recruit class ever held in department history and puts us over the top on staffing. Lets hope these folks are with us for a while.
  3. Rick Mcleod was promoted to Deputy Chief this year while Matt Barney became Assistant Chief. Ben Patterson and Chris McCrea were appointed as Lieutenants and Murray Lambert was promoted to Captain. (Congratulations again) It is these dedicated officers that help make this place work so efficiently
  4. Several serious fires took place this year. Some of these were arson and had the potential for major disaster. All were handled very professionaly by responding crews without any serious injury. A great accomplishment.
  5. A new command vehicle was purchased this year and a replacement for truck 209 was ordered and should be here in early 2011. The DOS also acquired two vehicles that are now equipped with snow removal equipment to facilitate the cleaning of the apron and parking areas of essential service facilities
  6. The ESS program continues to build and improve. Municipal staff received basic training in EOC operations. This is a great benefit to the community in times of disaster. The amateur radio group received some new equipment and is also a vital part of our emergency services family
  7. A dedicated group of volunteer firefighters spent a week serving at the Winter Olympics as a fire suppression time at one of the venues. A chance in a life time for those that participated. Speaking of the Olympics, fire department personnel were instrumental in designing, constructing, transporting and assembling the great Ozone Display that was set up on BC Streets in Richmond for the Olympics. Tens of thousands of people strolled down our recreation of the boardwalk. This display was also set up at the Vancouver Outdoor Adventure Show and the Sooke Rotary Auction.
  8. In an effort to become more green, the fire department took on the challenge of lowering our carbon footprint. We just had the fire station and municipal hall switched from propane to natural gas, changed the fire trucks to bio diesel, bought a slightly used hybrid vehicle for a command vehicle and will soon have all the lighting changed to a more energy efficient system.
  9. The public education members taught an impressive number of concerned citizens, many aspects of fire safety. From tours for preschoolers, to fire extinguisher training, to car seat installation, to safety in the workplace, to safety in the kitchen or for whatever their need may be, the volunteers that make up this group contributed many hours to make this community a safer place to be.
  10. And our latest triumph. In combination with Otter Point, Shirley and East Sooke FD we raised more money and gathered more food for the food bank during our Christmas blitz than any other year. A superb effort by all.

And my final note here, even though I am sure there are many more items that could be discussed, I would like to thank each member of the department for their contributions this year. Without your participation, this emergency service would not exist. To all the Recruits, Firefighters, Officers, Pub Ed members, ESS and EOC Volunteers a great big thank you. Have a Happy New Year and may 2011 be a safe a prosperous year.

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