• CURRENT BURNING REGULATIONS - Open Burning Permitted when Venting Index is rated GOOD

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Haz Mat Call

Firefighters and DOS Engineering Staff responded to a reported fuel spill in the pond located in the Stone Ridge Subdivision. A large oily sheen was seen across much of the perimeter of the waterway. Upon closer inspection, the substance appeared to have a tar like consistancy. The haz mat trailer was brought to the scene and containment booms were placed at the intake and discharge ends of the stream. A large quantity of absorbent pads were placed around the edge of the pond while garden rakes and shovels were used to collect the tar and place into buckets for disposal. The spill was traced back to a construction site further up the hill where a 20 liter pail of foundation tar had spilled into the storm drain. This had worked its way into the creek and then into the pond. Fortunately it was only one small container and crews were able to stop the leak from spreading further downstream. Booms and pads were left overnight with some collected the next day. Two booms are still in place at each end to pick up any residual material that may be trapped in the piping system leading to the pond. These will be picked up next week.

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