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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What's New?

Good question. Well here are some things. The "I Am Responding" free trial period is coming to an end. This is the phone in system for reporting if you are attending calls. While not many of you are using this, I think it still a great idea, however if it is not going to be used, are we just putting out money for nothing. We need to make a decision fairly soon, so let me know what you think. Should we try it for another year or let it lapse?

We are in the process of selecting a new vehicle to replace 209. We have narrowed down the choices to a 4 door pickup, similar to the new one that is now 211. Waiting for prices from Ford, GM and Dodge to see what is the best deal. Since we have sold 209 to Shirley, we may be short one vehicle for a little while. This may require us to remove a vehicle from Sun River in the interm or the FR Duty Crew will have to use one of the Station Apparatus. Will make a decesion on this soon.

Last nights windstorm may have been a bit of a precursor as to what is coming this winter. Just last week we ran a training session with the Municipal Staff on how to run an EOC during a disaster. A windstorm was the topic we chose for this table top exercise. Lots was learned and more training is coming. If you are interested in being a part of this, please let me know and I will put you on the mailing list. Speaking of disasters and emergency prepardness, we have an electrical engineer coming in on Friday to design the system for the Community Hall to allow us to plug in the big portable generator so that this facility can be set up a Reception Centre and Emergency Housing in times of crisis. We have also established a relationship with Ayre Manor who will allow us to prepare meals in their large commercial kitchen in such times. As this building has a full emergency generator, it is a perfect set up for this type of situation.

Estimates to repair Engine 204 range from $20,000.00 to $30,000.00 plus it will have to be taken out of service for about 2 months to get the work done. This would mean we may have to rent a truck in the interim. An awful lot of money to put into a 25 year old truck. It is hoped that we can come up with a budget plan that will allow us to order a replacement in 2011 for delivery in early 2012. If this is the case, we will not do any work that is not necessary for safety reasons to the rig and hope it can last out the next year, rather than the 4 years we were originally hoping for.

1 comment:

  1. I like the "I am Responding" software and think it has a lot of potential, and there are those of us who do use it. During the wind storm Benny was at the computer checking who was still coming and they used that information for forming the crews up. I'd like to see it used more; so the best way to promote is to lead by example!!

    In regards to Engine 204, I think it would make more sense to patch it together with the min. amount of money possible and plan for its replacement soon. Things would be different if 204 was our front line and first due truck, but we still have two engines and the ladder that are more than capable of moving water.
